You can not press through challenges and difficulties of life if down deep inside of you, in the core of your being, you are ashamed of who you are. I'm not talking about being embarrassed because of something you have done, but about who you are.

Guilt is a feeling you have about what you do; shame relates to who you are as a person. shame and guilt are very close relatives, but shame lodges far deeper in a person's heart than guilt does, and i believe it is a more serious issue.

Shame often hides in your very nature, in the depth of your soul. it manifests itself as a constant feeling of uneasiness, a low-level but continual sense of condemnation, and a never-ending internal whisper that tells you ''you are not good enough''. It is evident in the way you feel about yourself, relates to others, view relationships, and think about opportunities that present themselves to you.

  Today, its your choice to choose to let go of the past errors and move ahead. To look beyond the places you have fallen and realise that there is no learning with errors. Dust the past and break the future because there are more opportunities ahead. Most importantly, never under estimate your capabilities.IT'S ABOUT WHO YOU ARE


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