ARE YOU A MINISTER?......You need to hear this.

This is a critical moment in every aspects of life, it is a sit-up time.
Put an end to imitation worship, ministry is all about uniqueness. No two ministers operates exactly same way there must be slight difference which shows that everyone is unique with his own gift.  What do you see in churches today? Song ministers want to sing like white men, minister want to rap with foreign accent. This imitation has gradually stolen our Christian values and African way of worship... No wonder men visit places in quest for power to work miracles, this in turn has yielded a lot of fakes everywhere. In the new testament, the disciples were interested in the calling and the assignment not the name, check bill boards and social media today and you will be shocked to see that some ministers of the word are Pastor, Rev ,Dr, prophet...... If all these big titles are not backed up with good work, an account of this stewardship would be demanded on the last day if truly you were called. There are 3 categories of ministers in the world now.

1. Those who were truly called by God to pastor his flock. These ones are so much interested in the assignment not the name and human worship,  the fruit they bear is always testifying that they are truly called. 

2. Accidental ministers: situations, pervert ions and wrong motive led this ones into the ministry even when they know they have nothing to offer. They seek demonic powers from odd places to run the so called ministry. 

3. Forced ministers : people are sometimes forced into the ministry,  just because your father wants to be addressed as papa father or mama pastor... Some of these parent will force their children into a way of life they may not find easy to cope with because ministry is a way of life. 

Ask yourself today, what type of minister are you? Which of these categories do you fit in? Are you in the right place at the right time? If the chief shepherd comes, will you be found at the right duty post?.


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